Docs, Sheets and Slides

Get started with Docs, Sheets and Slides

Docs, Sheets and Slides are web based tools used to create content or amend documents that you have already created. With Docs, Sheets and Slides you can work collaboratively in real-time; seeing changes as they happen with in-build revision history.

The content is designed to be self-paced, as there are some areas that you may be more familiar with than others and some areas that may not be of interest or relevance

The IT Support team are available to assist if you need help - please email

Start here...

  1. Create or import files

  2. Share and collaborate on files or share files with groups of people

  3. Print and download files


  1. Edit and format a document


  1. Add content to your presentation


  1. Add content to your spreadsheet

Need a little refresher? or just want the basics?

Check out the following cheat sheets:

Find out more with beginner, intermediate and advanced tips.